False positive pregnancy test reddit

False positive pregnancy test reddit. the doctor came in and was like “this test was positive, those at home tests are accurate, you’re really pregnant. com Jun 22, 2023 · Essentially, anything that introduces the presence of detectable amounts of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) into your body—other than pregnancy, of course—can lead to a false positive result. I tested using the Clear Blue digital test (which I've seen a few posts of people saying they gave them a false positive as well). I called my boyfriend, he told me not to worry too much yet. Anyone that experienced something similar? That’s probably from the ovidrel. Sure enough, it was double lined. i took a pregnancy test and literally went to an urgent care later that day to confirm it bc i couldn’t believe it was real. I had cramps like this the first 2-3 weeks after I got my positive test. I have PCOS and have been on birth control since I was 17. I took a (blue-dye) home pregnancy test the second day I was late and it was negative. He said he never experienced anything like this. I've had a false positive that looked just about the same as your first test when I wasn't pregnant. Spiro can cause you to have late periods/skip them entirely for a few months—however, since you just started it and you have a positive pregnancy test, the best thing to do is to stop the spiro immediately and go to the doctor to confirm or rule out pregnancy Nexplanon's prescribing info is also interestingly vague about exactly what enzyme inducers/inhibitors may affect the efficacy. No, a UTI won’t give you a false positive on a pregnancy test. There is no way to confirm a false positive in and of itself solely by the original indicator. Has anyone experienced a false positive pregnancy test? I'm in my late 40's and doubt that I am pregnant, I dont see rheumatology til next week and according to google 10% of lupus patients test positive for pregnancy. Jun 21, 2022 · Is it possible to have a false-positive pregnancy test? Yes! Here's everything you need to know about why that second line might appear when you're not actually pregnant. Pregnancy tests work by detecting hcg in urine. A false positive, by definition, means that the indicator is showing a sign equal to a true positive. If you have anything at all in the positive window, regardless of how dark or light it is, you are pregnant. Not ketones. Went in 10dp for my beta and tested again when I got home and was waiting for the clinic to call. I had spotting which really seemed like the start of my period before I got my positive home pregnancy test - it was implantation bleeding, totally normal, it's also likely that you will have some cramping probably in week six and seven, early pregnancy really does feel like you're getting your period for a lot of women - I know it did for me! Doctor takes a blood sample and runs more thorough tests and he tells her unfortunately ma’am you are NOT pregnant, the testing kit (which is a screening) gave you a false positive result because the tests that we ran using more specific and confirmatory equipment to prove pregnancy weeks earlier than a 50$ kit. It takes around 2 weeks after ovulation to have a positive pregnancy test and sperm can survive inside you for 5 days. I am taking 1500iu 3x PW and 150 iu HMG 2x PW for the last 2 months, I was completely azoo less than 3 months ago… so what’s going on with that is pregnancy isn’t causing the test to be positive. May 28, 2024 · How do home pregnancy tests work? Home pregnancy tests detect human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone produced during pregnancy. I'm leaning towards a false positive, but thinking of getting a blood test to be sure. It barely even thought about it. . Some are just more likely to give a false positive than others. Her Dr told her it was due to the hGC hormone still being present in her urine. And wow! Some of those evaporation lines definitely look like positives. I've since had a hysterectomy, and Ive done a couple of rounds of HCG since then, and my pregnancy tests still come back (false) positive. Anyway, when I got that pregnancy test this July I assumed it was a cyst putting off hormones for a false positive. We have been together two years, the last year I began to get tested because of recurring bv, my last screening was in February. It just hasnt been Do you mean a false positive test? True false positives are very rare. I explained the situation to my GYN, and she had me come back again a few weeks later for another urine test, by then I was off the HCG and the test came back negative. With my last pregnancy, I got 3 "inconclusive" tests in a row using the same morning urine (I had peed in a cup and thankfully kept it until the first test came back with no result). It is not like a drug test where poppy seeds can give a false positive. Straight after I re done a test by dipping it in urine and it was negative, followed by 2 more negative tests. False negatives are more common than false positives and it still could be too early for the hcg hormone to show up on a home pregnancy test. I'm so happy for you that you're not pregnant when you don't want to be. Plan B is a large dose of progestin, pregnancy tests measures HCG in the urine or blood. The confirmation test from the same sample was negative. The test loses its sensitivity over time, so an expired one is more likely to be a false negative than a false positive. Though it could be a cyst, it's very much more likely to be a true positive pregnancy test. I googled all the possible ways to get a false positive test and convinced myself I had all the things until I saw that little heartbeat on the monitor. it was positive. However, she has had 6 negative tests and 1 positive the last two days. Echoing others who say you are pregnant. Boyfriend broke up with me only a couple of weeks ago haha really don’t want to have to talk to him about it cause I will look like a classic nutter whose trying to win him back with a made up pregnancy Urine pregnancy tests measure HCG levels. So fingers crossed it is a false positive. Picked up an early pregnancy test today (I was skeptical since my period is usually incredibly irregular so I wasn't even sure if this is a good time to be testing) and . I read that false positive pregnancy tests are rare, so two are even more so. Like other products they can be faulty. Chemical pregnancies/early miscarriage at 4 weeks is caught more often nowadays because the test is really sensitive. My period was 5 days late yesterday so I took a digital test. Most women have them before they realize they’re pregnant and just think it’s their normal period. The positive line came up instantly. And had "hysteria-ed" myself into false positive tests. (Yes, Reddit correctly identified it can also be produced by some tumours). I work night shift and had to work that night, and had no other pregnancy tests to confirm it and didnt have time to get any before work. If you had a positive test then it’s unlikely it was false. Yeah. I've never gotten a false positive, but I've been taking a pee test at home every quarter ever since a client of mine had a baby at home, and she hadn't realized she was pregnant. I think it’s way too soon to have a positive test, and I still miss my period. A specialist I spoke to about this recently said that whatever cross-reacting antibodies I have in my blood (from pregnancy, from vaccinations, whatever) could circulate forever, making me likely to test positive on the initial antibody screen for the rest of my life. She can take a test again first thing in the morning as that is when pregnancy tests are most reliable. I waited 10 days and tested on a whim just to see if I would still test positive because of the trigger shot. I don’t have an explanation for why your tests have been conflicting. 5 weeks at this point. Modern pregnancy tests are as accurate as the urinalysis test they do in the hospital. it’s from the fact that the prevalence of chlamydia in pregnant people is low. I also had a very heavy period that started on September 5. for example, if 1% of a population has chlamydia, more false positives will occur in that Ive never heard of a false positive for chlamydia so I think I’d take the antibiotics until I knew for sure I was negative, antibiotics can be scary but untreated STD’s are worse for pregnancy. This is only produced when you are pregnant. Congratulations! You might also enjoy the subreddit: r/daddit for dads, r/babybumps for pregnancy, and r/beyondthebump for after pregnancy. Since I have a water infection I know they can cause false positives. False positives are pretty rare, because a pregnancy test is only looking for one hormone (hcg)—if it finds it, you’re gonna see the positive. ( I ended up not being pregnant) I was beginning to question just how common a false positive is, the truth is it is way more common than you think! Hoenstly ok if it’s positive but I’m worried because I have an iud and I know likelihood for ectopic pregnancies are so high with an iud. Is it possible there's still HcG in my system from my last pregnancy that would cause a false positive? I had a huge pregnancy scare recently where I took a test and it came out positive, 2 clear strong lines. If I get a positive test by 11-12DPO then I’ll let myself get hopeful I'll first address the elephant in the room, the positive pregnancy tests. Pregmate has 50 for around $15 and I know a lot of people get other brands off Amazon. 3/4 came back positive. It's totally scary that that happens. Conceive plus is just a lubricant, there’s no way it could cause a false positive on a pregnancy test. So I'll take one in a few days and if it's not an obvious positive, I'll know I'm definitely not pregnant. I'd say get a pink dye test and take it first thing in the morning when you wake up. This means that if she got pregnant somewhat recently false negatives are likely. You can consider getting a retest after a day or two/estimation of your beta HCG if that too shows mixed results like this one. Has this happened to anyone else? If you are receiving a positive on a small amount of urine you may be pregnant. If you have one near you, you can go to planned parenthood for a test or you could contact your doctor to have them do a blood test. The week before getting a positive pregnancy test, I thought I was having a bad flare up. I am now 27 and stopped taking birth control around 4 months ago. Depending on how sensitive the test is, which I would think they would be pretty good? It could be a false negative if the pregnancy is far along. However I have seen multiple differing opinions or "facts" on whether or not a UTI can affect the result of an at home pregnancy test. This month my period was over a week late, took a digital pregnancy test and gave me a positive result. Regardless, tell the doctors to run a urine pregnancy test in tandem whenever they run the blood tests. Felt it was better to digest the news at home with my husband than over a phone call. One doctor thinks maybe I was pregnant and had a miscarriage, another thinks it was medicine or food that tampered with my levels just enough to trick the test. You may have just skipped a period. Got a false positive on these bad boys last night. Home test results matched beta! I haven’t felt well so I decided to take a test just in case, though it would be unlikely considering we used protection toward the end of intercourse. Feb 12, 2021 · It could’ve been a false positive. I thought I might miscarry, but I think it was my uterus growing! Also, it took me a lot longer to get a positive test than a lot of womenat least ten days later, based on when I thought I ovulated. Plan B wouldn’t cause a false positive on a urine pregnancy test. I know the exact date we conceived and it was indeed, one time while in my ovulation window. I tested again the next day and got a super faint positive that by day 14 was super obvious! My blood work on day 14 confirmed our pregnancy. I actually was convinced - up until my first ultrasound - that I was having a "hysterical pregnancy" and was imagining the whole thing. Anyway, last month I took a pregnancy test on a whim about a week after ovulation. I’ve done them before I wasnt on quetiapine but the iud was in and they’ve never been positive. It happened to my daughter. My first positive test with my daughter was fainter than some of those. I was probably about 4. Exactly one month later I tested negative on two ab/ag screenings. I remember seeing a post on Reddit where a women had a false positive pregnancy test, and everyone in the comments was saying she had cancer and needed to see a doctor asap. Or you may have had a chemical pregnancy which doesn’t pass clots usually because it’s so earlier. Today she took a clear blue digital test that came up negative, but 30 mins later she took another digital test and it was positive. Good point. I’m worried something like cancer could be causing these tests to be positive? No one is listening to me. Tuesday morning at 2am I (20F) decided to take a pregnancy test. Our hiv centers are very advanced and the doctor said low positive results are often false positives due to cross-reaction with other antibodies. I feel it’s impossible to have as many false positives as I’ve had. I had been feeling weird/off for a couple of days and my boyfriend (20M) thought I should be sure. Reddit's source for women's health info, questions and discussion. Just to clarify, the blue dye tests tend to give false positives because of an evaporation line. If you're sure it's not an evap line (ie you have taken that test before and know what "negative" looks like) then you are pregant. Tested 7dp5dt and saw positive! But later regretted cos it might have even a false positive (I took some hcg boosters). Not ever having a positive pregnancy test, I didn’t believe I was pregnant and didn’t want to waste the time or money on buying a pregnancy test. She is 4 days late as of now. I’m on nexplanon but me and my partner don’t use condoms because we are both clean so I always do it once a month just for the peace of mind. It happens and it's wild and I guess it's normal for those of us with PCOS to believe it's anything but pregnancy. I've read about chemical pregnancies, where basically the embryo forms and sometimes implants, but is not viable and you have a very early miscarriage. I legit did not believe I was pregnant until I saw an ultrasound at 7 weeks. To my surprise it came back positive. The test is looking for HCG which goes up in the beginning of pregnancy, then down at around 12 weeks. I was expecting a negative per usual, but it was positive. and it also tested positive. As the urine sample you've mentioned is not a clear one it's possible there was some kind of interference which could have led to a positive test. I started my period today, so I am pretty confident in saying that I'm not pregnant, just a false positive. Now I have taken a few more and they’re negative. And so they made me take a more specific syphilis (TPA) blood test. Are digital tests able to return false positives? I’ve always heard there basically aren’t such a thing as false positives pregnancy tests since they test for hcg which is only present when pregnant. 1 Different foods and drinks don’t affect the amount of hCG present in your urine. Initially, I was extremely excited but then I started reading about false positives and apparently pituitary issues can sometimes cause false positives - additionally, so can cysts. I 100% thought I was pregnant and that false positives were virtually impossible . On August 25, I had surgery and so they did a blood pregnancy test then and that one was negative. For more specific subreddits there are monthly bumper groups you can join based on your expected due date. Both days since all tests have been Everyone’s body is different for how soon the pregnancy hormone could show up on a test. Fast forward to now a few weeks pregnant, had routine testing because of the pregnancy and urine test came back positive for chlamydia. I took one of those dollar store home pregnancy tests for shits and giggles (Am a 29 year old male) and it came up positive. With my daughter I took another test a few days later and it was definitely a dark positive. I’m not on bc. In disbelief, I ran back to CVS and bought a 3 pack of different types of pregnancy tests CVS brand. I took three pregnancy tests (the pink strips, from two different boxes, from two different stores), and all three are positive. Have any of you have a false positive pregnancy test with any of these medications? I took multiple tests, and all were positive, but I had unprotected sex the second week of February. The chance of a false positive, ie the test says she's pregnant when she's not, is very very low bordering on non-existent. Blood tests detect smaller amounts of hCG than the urinalysis test, so would show up as positive before your missed period. We went to the store and… Have any of you have a false positive pregnancy test with any of these medications? I took multiple tests, and all were positive, but I had unprotected sex the second week of February. We have just had a positive pregnancy test on a clear blue digital showing 1-2 weeks, I am struggling to believe it to be honest as it’s very early in hcg therapy for me. You had unprotected sex the second week of February and it is now almost March. She got her period when it was due the following month. The doctor did a urine test and blood test and both came our negative. My wife and I did IUI back in November with the trigger shot. The heterophile antibodies are too big to be filtered out by the kidneys so they aren't present in urine. I recommend buying pink line test strips in bulk for convenient testing. These are NOT clear blue tests and so am currently on my way out to get one. I call and make an appt trying to see what needs to happen because I was told to call about progesterone, instead, they just scheduled me an OB appt 6 days out, and they order blood work to be done. However, a false positive at 5 months pp is very rare. False negatives are possible. So laughing nervously i purchased a 25 dollar home pregnancy test (You should have seen the stares from the cashier). Cramps, spotting, leg pain, always cold, and mega exhausted. That turned out positive. I’m not TTC but there could be a small chance something happened (pull out method) so I decided to take a pregnancy test from CVS. After doing lots of research, I came to the conclusion that a false positive is pretty much impossible. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Everyone’s body is different and also depends on the concentration of ovidrel shot you get but typically I’ll test out of mine by 7-9DPO. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop on the ovaries and are unrelated to pregnancy; it's rare for ovarian cysts to secrete hormones, as they differ How did you know for sure you were pregnant 4 months postpartum? I have the strangest feeling that I'm pregnant again and am 4 months post partum but don't want to take a pregnancy test for fear of it being a false positive. Even if it's rare. When a fertilized egg implants into your uterine wall, the placenta begins to form, releasing hCG into your bloodstream. Congratulations!! January 7, 2022 (Friday) comes around and I have a positive pregnancy test again. Hey The other day I was doing a routine pregnancy test and it came back positive. See full list on healthline. It was digital and it said PREGNANT so I am not reading it wrong. A positive test (we know now a false positive), followed by 15 negative tests, and a negative urine and blood test at the doctor. Keep in mind that a pregnancy test is not the most accurate until at least 21 days past the risky sex. I got a box that was 50 OPKs and 20 pregnancy test strips and liked having both in one purchase. The digital is the only one that reads positive, all 3 other dye ones are clear negative. I thought it was impossible to get a false positive but apparently it is possible with the early detection tests because they are super sensitive. None of it adds up. But pregnancy anxiety is real. I am not at a point in my life where I can have a child, so I freaked out, called my OBGYN and also made an appointment at an abortion clinic. 3. Pregnancy tests detect the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). How long after that trigger shot would it be likely for a false positive to show up on a FRER pregnancy test? I got a positive this morning (it’s my first time testing since the transfer) and I’m wondering if the positive is due to the trigger shot still being in my system. Even a faint line means there I had a false positive pregnancy test with clear blue and it was the worst experience. Will test again at 50 days from my (first) positive screening test. Also, every birth control has the possibility to fail. Sooo. I'm on birth control and it's been around 6 weeks since I've had sex. If you are a professional with relevant professional knowledge, message the moderator proof (with your user name written next to it so it may be verified), and you will be given flair to show your profession or degree. I can't track my period because I haven't had it for over a year since I got the implant. It’s very uncommon to get a false positive, much more likely to get a false negative because you may be early enough that the concentration of HCG in your urine isn’t Well while I was in my third trimester of pregnancy I had a very upsetting experience in which my RPR was abnormal (a blood test that can indicate syphilis, and is common in pregnancy to be false positive). No way to be sure I guess, I'll have to take another one tomorrow and see a doctor after the Easter holidays. I would try another test to be sure. Damn, that's awful. and I'm nearly 37 weeks, still having my anxieties. It could be a positive, unless the thin line showed up after the time window. 5 years to get pregnant this time. Posted by u/septemberbaby8 - 1 vote and 6 comments So I have the nexplanon arm implant and this morning I randomly took a pregnancy test and it came out positive and later today I took another test and it was negative. These tests measure the amount of the hormone HCG in your system, the pregnancy hormone. Keep reading for possible causes. Positive. So if you don't know when (or even "if", given you have PCOS) you ovulated but you have a negative pregnancy test at least 19 days after you had sex, it's unlikely that you are pregnant. and whenever prevalence of a disease is low, there are more false positives that occur. Sure enough, tested positive (at 7dpo which is wildly early to test positive - clear blue early digital for the win for picking up on that so early!). A friend of mine had 2 false positive tests at 6 weeks pp. It’s nice to have a cheap option and then a couple of other kinds to double check. If you have a positive preganct test you are pregnant you do not need to wait to do another test, the clock is ticking. I very angrily opened up the 4th test in the box of what at that point I assumed were all duds and it came back positive. I would encourage you take another test, buy a 2 pack in case you want a 3rd test. Test again in a couple days and see if you still get a line and if the line gets darker. Yesterday I took a pregnancy test because I take them monthly just to be safe. I am worried as I do hear that false positives are extremely rare. ” i think it’s so hard to believe when we first see it and it seems like the more obvious answer is that CLEARLY there was a mistake, so we’re It usually means you're pregnant, UNLESS we are talking about a first response test, because those have VERY VISIBLE evap lines. They go on to list "Co-administration of certain HCs and strong or moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors such as itraconazole, voriconazole, fluconazole, grapefruit juice, or ketoconazole may increase the serum concentrations of progestins, including etonogestrel" in addition to They are accurate, but you can get a false negative with a pregnancy test if you test too early. Also because its very unlikely for that to have laid dormant for so long, especially if you’ve had any STD testing at all since you began sleeping I tested 3 more times over the next three mornings, and those all came back negative. Tell my boyfriend again, once again and he says to not have feelings about it until confirmed at the doctor. The test line appeared before the control line, and at first both lines were bright red but the test line faded to a light pink. Ha! I could have written this exact post when I got my positive pregnancy test. I totally iced over, and felt like a stranger in my own 1 hour ago · 3 days ago I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive, however I didn't dip the test in urine I peed on it so urine would have gone over the max line. Get a digital and test again! And we were also being safe. Anyone that experienced something similar? My first pregnancy ended in a stillbirth (never found the cause) and my second pregnancy I went into preterm labor (he's a healthy 3 year old now thank god) so now im on makena this pregnancy to try to prevent him from coming early. Like, so so so so so rare. Mostly when women had a miscarriage this early previously they would have never known they were pregnant. Tests that allow you to test before your predicted period are known for giving false positives, not because there’s something wrong with them, but because chemical pregnancies that never develop into viable pregnancy are common. If you want to be sure that you're indeed pregnant again take a digital test. But I was negative. I took another digital test. And it’s been basically a week since I had sex. It’s supposed to start on March 3rd. I used a test then forgot about it and came back to see a dried pink line. Ketones will not cause a false negative or false positive for that matter. Yesterday she took 5 tests that showed negative and then turned postive vaguely after 1-2 hours. The protein hormone that is detected with a urine dip type pregnancy test is only present in pregnant women. Funny enough, my back pain magically disappeared for most of my pregnancy - physiotherapist said she sees this sometimes, due to the relaxin and shifted weight distribution. False positives are so rare. If she still has concerns after that, she should make a doctor's appointment and get tested there. You can get a false positive pregnancy test at any time depending on the test. Idk. I took a test and it was positive. If you've already missed it by a good margin, and had a negative store bought pregnancy test, its fairly certain that you are not pregnant. Almost every month I get a positive pregnancy test that’s followed by a very negative blood test. It's very unlikely for ovarian cysts to cause false positive pregnancy results on a standard pregnancy test. Buy some more tests (they do not have to be expensive - cheapo dollar store ones work the same as the expensive ones) and test for the next few days. We have unexplained secondary infertility and it took us 3. I did two more tests the next day both of which were negative. On Thursday night after work I took a pregnancy test and there was a very light 2nd line indicating the test was positive. 9K subscribers in the pregnancyproblems community. I have gotten my period the first 2 months since being off BC. The worst part is, there’s just no real answer as to why. The way to test for false positives is to conduct a second test. Looks positive to me! Chances of false positives are super low. I was heartbroken and petrified as we used protection. UTI/False positive pregnancy test So my now ex-girlfriend and I had sex recently (unprotected but withdrew when I wasn't close to ejaculation) and within 36 hours,2 hcG urine tests taken one day apart were already reading positive, each with a faint second line that appeared fainter in each succeeding tests. o_O Long story short, what are the odds that a keto based diet may cause a false positive on a pregnancy test? I have since tried two all positive. However, she started experiencing bleeding on Saturday night so we went to the emergency as our doctor instructed (my wife has a negative blood type). If you get a faint positive with a blue dye test, try again with first morning urine (so the line will be darker), or try again with a pink dye test, or go to the doctor for a blood test. When I got the test result back, it said I was pregnant! My boyfriend and I both clutched at one another and he began to cry. Positive test at my primary care, 4 negative at home tests, and a negative blood test a few days later. More likely either an indent line or evaporation line, or if you had an obvious positive and then were bleeding you had a chemical pregnancy. I go to get my blood work done within hours of the positive test. They’re rare but definitely happen with faulty test. A day later (yesterday) I took another home pregnancy test, which was also blue-dye, but that one was invalid. I should think that because my blood test came back negative I SHOULD be ok, but I just wanted to see if this happened to anyone else. *** PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE POSTING*** Pregnancy can impact dozens of aspects of your life so… Haven’t smoked in 26 days , ive smoked twice since November ,Tested negative with a cvs at home thc test one day before and one day after my lab test. Then I used another one and it was a BFN but when it dried it had a faint evap. The pregnancy test was just an experiment I guess you would say to see if there is anything growing in my uterus/ovaries (that isn't a baby) that isn't supposed to be, It would show as a false positive. That timing absolutely lines up if your period is due March 3. Just after taking that second test I read on here that blue-dye pregnancy tests are horrible and infamous for giving false positives. Ok so two days ago I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. So I reasoned with myself, if the LH strip is double lined, I’ll buy a pregnancy test. uhbfhd qwvl nwou gewiph unzu euxq fsnnz wngm kczz ksivp